Snow Geese at BBNWR

Many snow geese travel through the area each year, although you may not see them frequently at Back Bay NWR. They tend to stay a bit west of the refuge impoundment complex, preferring farm fields in Pungo or the marshes of neighboring Mackay Island National Wildlife Refuge. However, they will stop, in smaller numbers to rest and feed at Back Bay NWR. In the group of snow geese pictured here you will notice a darker bird in the middle. This is a “blue goose” or a blue morph of the species.
The blue goose is a special bird to national wildlife refuges. In 1934 J.N. “Ding” Darling, former leader of the U.S. Biological Survey (pre-cursor to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), first drew the blue goose as the symbol of national wildlife refuges. You may see the blue goose around Back Bay NWR and other national wildlife refuges you visit.
Photo Credit: Barry Kurzer