757-672-4728 backbaynwrsociety@gmail.com 1324 Sandbridge Road Virginia Beach, VA 23456

Marsh Birds at Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge

Let’s highlight marsh birds today for #NWRweek. Marsh birds are secretive and elusive birds to sight. As their name suggests they live in the marsh and like to hide in and among the reeds, grasses and other vegetation. Most of the birds in this group have long toes and coloration that serves to camouflage them in their environment.
Two of the favorite marsh birds at Back Bay NWR are the American bittern and king rail. Both can be seen along the Raptor Trail, right behind the Visitor Center. However, due to their secretive nature it is always a treat when we spot one!
PHOTO CREDIT: American bittern – Steve Coari; king rail – Neal Phipps